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5 Keys to Effective Messaging

As a messaging expert I am often expected to be able to articulate my main messages in a very clear and consize way.

Well, I guess it is only fair, being a messaging expert and an consultant for clear & simple communication...

So, here are in (very) short form my 5 keys to effective messaging:

1. Accurate Audience Analysis - know who you are having a conversation with. what are they coming into the room with

2. Relevant Audience Questions - What are they most interested to hear from you? speaking about what they want to hear - will keep you always relevant and interesting

3. Well Crafted Messages - well crafted messages will not be forgotten, impact your audience and create the change you wish to achieve

4. Illustrative & Message Centric Visuals - your visual aids are there to support your messages and enhance your audience understanding of your ideas

5. Supportive & Synchronized Body Language and Use of Voice - find your own personal style, be confident, calm and energetic at the same time and have a real conversation with the people you are conveying your messages to.

​Like well orchestrated music, taking your ideas, translating them into well crafted messages that are tailored to your audience and delivering them in a confident, impressive and personal conversation, will get you to achieving your goals and will lead your audience to make the change you wish them to make - every single time.

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